Thursday, July 28, 2016

By: Wildly Willed

So, we had a few things planned out for this new project, and already life happened and managed to side track us. But, as we know, and you know as well, it happens. Which is why this is a perfect post to inspire us all to shut that shit down, buckle up, and make it happen! Read on friends, read on, and take the damn leap to do big things!

Beth: K, let me just gather my thoughts here for a minute…why do I like quotes…okay…
Meg: Well, we both know how I feel about quotes. They are everywhere, including tattooed on me. 
Beth: I think they are a nice daily reminder of the bigger picture. Maybe for when you are feeling overwhelmed or setting out to start something new. 

Meg: We love words…
Beth: No.
Meg: Okay, we appreciate words that spark spontaneous adventures. 
Beth: Right. Exactly. And inspire to actually do them. 

Meg: So, we dabbled around the internet, aka Pinterest, and came up with five quotes that were our favorites. And that lit the flame with…
*Beth laughs*
Meg: Don't laugh! this is really what I write on my own blog!
*Both laugh.* 
Beth: Can we just need to take the cheese factor down a level. 
Meg: Whatever here they are…

Meg's Pick: 

  I feel like with everything in life, you need to start. My blog, this blog, your business, they were all ideas until one day we just sat down and did it.  

Beth's Pick:

It's important to get out of your comfort zone and experience new people and different cultures. 

 Beth's Pick:

It is never the exact right time to do anything, especially if you wait until you are fully prepared. You are going to miss out on a lot.  

Meg's Pick:

 It’s true. I don’t think people are fully aware of how much a place changes you, and gives you experience and the stories to share.  

Joint Pick:

This one is just pretty self explanatory. We have always set out to not get stuck in a routine. 

Photo source: Pinterest 

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