Thursday, November 17, 2016

Wildly Willed

A Video Diary

Scotland Part IV

Hello friends! Well, here is our last video! Thank you for those that have been following along. It was our first vlogging experience, and we weren't exactly sure what to expect. But, in true Beth and Meg fashion, we knew we had to at least give it a whirl and put ourselves out there.
With that being said, I think it's safe to say that we learned a lot from this trip. Details, which we will save for another post, but the most important thing that we took away? Is to have more moments like that. 
We were saying how easy it was, fresh out of high school, experiencing the thrills of college (most likely with the help of our folks) to have adventure after adventure. And of course, as life goes on, it becomes harder to find the time, or extra cash. But, that can't be an excuse anymore. We need those thrilling moments, still. To step foot in another country, and mix and mingle with the locals, to drink with the best of them, to laugh with your best friend, to get over fears. Those are the moments that we missed, those are the moments that we gained back from this trip. And I think it's safe to say that this isn't the last adventure that Wildly Willed will take. So until the next one, friends, go raibh maith agat (thank you). 

Wildly Willed

A Video Diary

Scotland Part IV

Hello friends! Well, here is our last video! Thank you for those that have been following along. It was our first vlogging experience, and we weren't exactly sure what to expect. But, in true Beth and Meg fashion, we knew we had to at least give it a whirl and put ourselves out there.
With that being said, I think it's safe to say that we learned a lot from this trip. Details, which we will save for another post, but the most important thing that we took away? Is to have more moments like that. 
We were saying how easy it was, fresh out of high school, experiencing the thrills of college (most likely with the help of our folks) to have adventure after adventure. And of course, as life goes on, it becomes harder to find the time, or extra cash. But, that can't be an excuse anymore. We need those thrilling moments, still. To step foot in another country, and mix and mingle with the locals, to drink with the best of them, to laugh with your best friend, to get over fears. Those are the moments that we missed, those are the moments that we gained back from this trip. And I think it's safe to say that this isn't the last adventure that Wildly Willed will take. So until the next one, friends, go raibh maith agat. 

P.S. Megan, here. In the first few seconds of the video, I would appear to be perturbed. I am, fly the next day. Just thought I would throw that out there.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Wildly Willed

A Video Diary
Part III

Hello, friends! I can't think of a better way to cure the Monday blues, than to watch our third video from our trip. Okay, maybe it will give us all the feels...but this one just might give you a laugh or two!  Follow the link below, to hear all about that one time we went to Isle of Skye!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Wildly Willed
A Video Diary Part II

Well, we are almost a full week back from our adventure, and after this week, I think it's safe to say that we are missing Bonnie Scotland big time. So, to tame the pangs in our hearts, we bring to you Part II of our adventure. This time we take you through the Highlands, from Inverness to Isle of Skye. 
Follow the link to see just exactly where we went and what we loved!

Ps. Again, effing Americans. Those camera signs were speed traps. Also, side note, we were pretty exhausted, so you'll have to excuse the last few minutes of talk (*cough cough, Megan) about underwear and laundry detergent. We blame it on the time change, not the alcohol in our hands!

Monday, November 7, 2016

We're Back...And ready to share!!

Wildly Willed
A Video Diary

Hello All!

Megan and Beth, here! Well, we made it. A two week long trip to Scotland in the books! We survived the ever-changing-weather that the Highlands threw our way, the twists and turns of driving, and well, each other, lol.
It was an amazing trip, and while we would have loved to have shared our moments, in the moment, unfortunately Scotland wifi, was just not on our side. So, we decided that the easiest thing to do would be to make a few videos, talking about our trip.
And what better way for us to dive back into reality, and for you to start your Monday, than to share our first post, with you all! We hope you follow along all this week, and laugh with us as much as we did! 

Meg & Beth

P.S. Beth and I should have learned our road signs before we left, the camera sign that we talked about, was indeed for speed traps, not for picturesque views...effing Americans!